Principles of Management

  • Using modern technology in their activities.
  • Continuously examines, evaluates, improves and renews itself. Also be competition with itself.
  • Aspire with having honest, hardworking and creative employees.
  • Give a lot of importance to education and applies training programs for their employees.
  • Any fund is not wasted by them, it fits modern saving principles
  • They, obeys the rules of business and society ethics.

Principles of Services

  • They value and respects for their customers.
  • Carries full responsibility for the service.
  • They establishes a continuous, fast and healthy relationship with its customers.
  • To gain new customers, it is the priority of maintaining the happiness of the existing customers.
  • They, give priority to the "urgent work" of its customers.
  • The service does not compromise on quality under any circumstances.
  • Keeps the information of the customers confidential.